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Our TruAge epigenetic test tells you how old you really are on the cellular level. The test tells you: your biological age, rate of aging, and age of 11 key organ systems by looking at 75+ biomarkers. By routinely taking the test, you can measure the impact of lifestyle changes you make to improve your epigenetic health.

- Includes: Nurse Nyma to administer blood collection + facilitation

- Includes: Online one-on-one coaching session with leading bio hacking coach  Chris Barnes

- Breakdown of report results + recommendations with specialised coach

TruDiagnostic True Age Kit

  • What's Included

    What will this test tell me about my health?

    • My birthday makes me _ years old, but how old is my body, biologically? (My OMICm Age)
    • What is my age-related risk of developing various diseases?
    • What is my age-related risk of death?
    • Strictly looking at performance biomarkers, how old am I from a physical fitness standpoint?
    • I have _ concentrations of various immune cells. How are those levels impacting my biological age?
    • For each calendar year that passes, how many years is my body actually aging?
    • How long are my telomeres?
    • How does my relationship with alcohol consumption impact my DNA expression and aging processes?
    • According to my DNA expression, am I likely to lose weight from restricting my caloric intake?
    • How has my lifetime exposure to tobacco smoke impacted my DNA expression and aging processes?
    • What can I do to improve my age-related, biological metrics?
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